we are so happy to introduce our little bundle of joy!
Bauer Jay Thornock
born August 30th at 4:10pm
6lbs 15 oz
19 1/2 inches long
so it has been a long time since i posted last so here is a summary of what happened. lol at 37 weeks we started doing non stress tests on Bauer each week my blood pressure had started to rise so we wanted to make sure he was ok. Every week he was fine! i was SLOWLY progressing finally at 39 weeks my dr was able to strip my membranes and in doing so he found out that Bauer had his hand up along the side of his head therefore stopping him from engaging further into my pelvis and stopping pretty much any dialation that could have accurred.
he restripped my membranes later that week to see if that would have helped and it didnt do anything, and bauer still had his hand up by his head.
i was so sad and discouraged and we began to talk about possiblilities of things we could do when in labor to try and move it.
we hit 40 weeks and i cried! i never thought i would go OVER my due date and i thought for sure this kid would NEVER come out! lol
we had a drs appt on monday the 29th and my blood pressure had gone way way up, my dr checked for any progress and i was effacing but not dialating anymore but because his hand was still there and my blood pressure was high he decided to induce me!
we went to the hospital at 9 pm that night to soften my cervix, the meds they gave me puts 30% of women into labor and luckily enough i was int hat group i was having contractions every 3 mins apart. in the morning about 6:30 am i got my epidural so that i wouldnt have to do pit without it since the dr had a c sectiont o do at 7:30
once the pit and epidural were in we went pretty fast, i started pit at 8 in the morning and my dr broke my water then. when he broke the water Bauer finally moved his hand!!! thanks heavens so we didnt have to have a c section.
it took a while for the dialation to start since he was still high. once we hit a 4 we FLEW! i went for a 4 to ready to push in an hour and 15 minutes!
we pushed for 30 mins and he was here! when he came out it was amazing, he looked just like jamison! it was like deja vu! i guess he was going to HUGE but when they weighed him josh and i were shocked!!
i mean jamison was 6 lbs 9oz and was 4 weeks early and this little guy was 5 days OVER due and was only 6lbs 15 oz! lol
He was perfect! it was amazing to not have a baby that has to go to the NICU! Josh's mom and Jamison were int he hall when he was born and when they were checking him out jamison was able to come in and i cried when they met it was so amazing to see our boys together at last!
i couldnt have asked for a better birth experience this time around! he came out tryign to eat the air! he was so ready to breastfeed! and with jamison i wasnt able to so it is amazing to be able to do it with Bauer.
since we have been home things are great! Jamison loves his little brother! he calls him "B" lol it is super cute! he loves to hug hima nd give him kisses and Bauer is just as good of a baby as jamison. he was fussy the first couple days because he was hungry and i couldnt give him anything lol cuz my milk hadnt come in yet. but once it did he is a changed baby he sleeps so well and is super cute to snuggle with!
we are so happy that everything went to so well this time around! and we have a gorgeous little boy again to play with! we are super blessed! life will never be the same with our boys here! =) but i couldnt be happier about it!
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