Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Christmas Time!

So last night we went downtown to temple square to look at the Christmas lights, and this year was more exciting and special for me then any other! this year we went with Jamison and it was such an amazing feeling looking at the nativity scenes and hearing the music and hearing the words of our prophet about christmas time! it helps me get a little closer to Mary almost, because before i was like oh i couldnt imagine what they went through and now having my own son and loving him more than life itself i TOTALLY understand the feelings and things they went through. and go even further i couldnt even begin to understand what she went through watching them crucify her son, i mean i think about Jamison getting shots that he needs and it kills me and brings a tear to my eye everytime they prick him. could you even imagine the pain she went through.

Only a mother and or father could feel for her and i am so happy and blessed that having my son this christmas time helps me get closer to the savior and his amazing mother. it takes a strong woman to be the Lord's mom.

but anyways sorry about the tangent. we had a good time looking at the lights. i loved that e could share it with Jamison for the first time and i look forward to the many years ahead going to the lights with him and more sibilings whenever they choose to enter our family!

Hope you all have a great christmas and enjoy the christmas lights! it is my favorite thing about christmas! so Have a Merry Christmas! and i will be blogging again after Jamison, Josh, and Myself return from Portland and spend this great season with my DAD and my AMAZING FAMILY! i am so excited to spend Jamison's first christmas with them!