Tuesday, January 25, 2011

almost 10 weeks!!!

so we are in our 9th week approaching the start of the tenth week! and i totally understand now what everyone means when they say every pregnancy is different!!!
when i was pregnant with jamison it was a breeze the first trimester! it was so easy i wouldnt have even known i was pregnant had i not tested! i didnt have a lick of morning sickness and i wasnt tired at all i was perfect no food cravings and no adversions either!!!

But this pregnancy is 100% different! i knew i was pregnat before i even tested my gosh the symptoms were there. with jamison i didnt get a positive till 2 days after my missed period and with this pregnancy i got a positive 6 days after ovulation so8 days before my missed period! i know crazy but it happened!!!

With this pregnancy i am constantly sea sick feeling i have had a few days where i have felt great but mostly it is constant sea sick nothing helps and food worsens it. there are tons of food i simply CANNOT eat! lol like ground beef just saying it and typing it makes me gag a little, chicken is a hit and miss, mexican food, chinese food, and pizza they all make me sick! but i can eat bread and potatoes and steak if i dont cook it. lol but i havent gained any weight yet and have actually lost!

we have our next appt on the 31st of this month. i am still nervous i know i heard a heartbeat already and everything was perfect but i cant help but be nervous that everything isnt. after i pass the 10 week mark i will be fine! i lost the first one at 10 weeks so that is my deadline ahaha so to speak.

so this week the baby is almost the size of a grape but i feel like it is much bigger! for not gaining any weight i sure look like i have! lol i have that cute little pooch on my tummy that can easily be mistaken as fat lol but it reminds me that there is a baby growing!

so yeah i will have a better update on monday but we are so happy and blessed that we get to have the little one joining our family in august! cant wait!!!