Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It is a.......

Last night Josh and I went to find out what was wiggly in my belly! this was a huge deal for us because we havent have a ultrasound since 6 weeks so the last time we saw our little one they were the size of a peanut with no features! so i was so excited to see the little one!!!

Before we got there they told me to drink a bunch of water and juice so the baby will be active and so i would have a full bladder. i was like seriously? full bladder?!?!?!? pregnant oh my word i was in pain lol

when we got there i was so nervous i knew i would love it no matter what it was but i really wanted a girl to dress up and be my little mini me! and i thought for sure that because this pregnancy was so different that it would be so.

When they took us back i laid on the table and they put that warm goo on my belly, and then we got to see the baby and i couldnt stop smiling! it was so cute it looked like our little baby and it was wiggly and kicking and waving all over the place!

so she went to its bum to see if we could see anything, and the baby had its leg wide open for the show! and immediately you could tell he was just like his brother! a BOY for sure!!! there was no way to mistake it!!

She even made it so you could see the difference between the cord and his parts, so you knew it wasnt the cord.

i was bummed immediately when they told me a boy but then she just sat there on him and we watched him move for 5 minutes, we saw his legs kicking and he took his arm and waved at us litterally waved and we saw his little fingers and everything, and then you could see his belly rise and fall and he was breathing and then the cutest thing ever we watched him drinking he fully opened his mouth and swallowed like 7 times and that is when i fell in love with this little boy!

as we were leaving josh kept saying are you ok? i am so sorry and i told him yes i am fine i am ok, because this pregnancy stuck this baby is meant to be in our family. with two other miscarriages this baby stuck and is here and kicking and healthy and happy and that is all i want! i know he is going to be a handful because look at his brother! lol

but i am so happy Jamison has a little brother to ruff house with and to play and wrestle!
when Jamison was almost a year old we went to have easter in rexburg and Dallas his little cousin who is 4 months older, was trying to wrestle with him and it was the cutest thing i have ever seen and then and there i said i wanted Jamison to have a brother, also when we were first married and Josh and I were talking about kids i told him i wanted two boys then a girl. so really it is working out the way i want, and as badly as i wanted a girl i am so blessed to have this baby and i know he is meant to be in our family and i am beyond happy he is here!

not to mention we have a killer boys name and i am beyond happy to use it!!!

so here are some pictures!!! we got 3d ones! and they were so cute! and they were AMAZING!!!

so this first 3d picture is a profile of our little BOY! you can see his arm and face and body!

The second 3d picture is a little harder to see according to Josh, you can see one eye his nose and he has his hand up under his cheek.

then the rest are 2d and pretty easy to understand! lol enjoy!