Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dinosaur musuem and 29 weeks

We were so lucky to spend yesterday ngiht with josh's Dad, brother Jared and Melissa and his Sister Kelli!
we had a good time and all the kids loved seeing each other! we went to in and out of course the stuff our faces and then we went to the world's largest dinosaur museum! it was so fun the kids were running around everywhere and it was amazing to see how tiny people really are!
they had so many things the kids could touch and play with and i am pretty sure Josh, Jared, and Kelli had more fun playing in the sand then the kids did! lol

it was so good catching up with Kelli and Jared since we dont see them very often! and it was nice to get out of the house since i have been working on orders like a mad woman! lol

Jamison was running everywhere and the museum! he was chasing dallas and then he would run from anthony it was so cute to see how much eh loves his cousins and seeing him with his boy cousins kind of makes me excited for him to be a big brother and rough house with his little brother!

i am now about 29 weeks and this pregnancy is going by so fast!! i cant believe i am almost in the single digit weeks! we went to our doctor today and baby boy is doing so great! he is head down which didnt suprise me because jamison was the same way. he is not floating head down but fully engaged in my pelvis so i am sure he will stay this way till he makes his debut! my blood pressure this time around is so much better! the doctor has no worries and my weight gain is very small compared to jamison! lol i have only gained 9 lbs this pregnancy so that is awesome! i have one more 4 week appt and then we are down to every 2 weeks! i cant believe it is already amost time for that!

we have been finishing the basement room for my craft and office and it should be done this weekend or next! josh has done an amazing job with everything he works so hard at work and then comes home and hammers up drywall and muds!! he is my hero!
we are getting everything ready for this baby to come we are goign to have his room ready at least a month before hand just in case! Jamison was a month early and this time i want to be prepared! lol not having to worry about my husband packing my hospital bag and other people unpacking my nursery! i want it all ready just in case! and josh is being so supportive in helping me get it ready! i mean i cant believe it is already a week done in June! this baby will be here before i know it!

so that is about all that is going on. i am still slammed with my business and it is so much fun! and Jamison is growing like a weed! last time we measured him he was over 3 feet tall! so we will have a tall boy on our hands that is for sure!