Long overdue i know but..............
Adalyn Shana Thornock
born Feb 5th at 1:10pm
5.8lbs, 18.5inches long!
We welcomed Adalyn into this world on Feb 5th 2013! she was born at 35 weeks but she was so healthy! came home with us even!!! Monday we went into our drs appt and my BP was 152/100 and that is with the uped blood pressure meds. my doctor and nurses have nursed me from 31 weeks to 35 weeks and he said ebcause fo the still high bp and that my belly measurements hadnt grown since the prior week it was time to be induced and have out little girl.
We went home and got everything ready and returned to the hospital at 9pm. The nurses who have seen me 2 times a week for the past 4 weeks were so excited to see us and that this time we were having a baby! everyone at the hospital there are like our good friends so it was just an awesome birth! my cervix wasnt quite ready to be induced so they gave my citotec to get my cervix softer.
Tuesday morning at 6am they started my pit and we were off! my doctor came and broke my water at 8am and there was so turning back. i got my epidural at 10:30 and i kept reminding the ladies that as soon as i got to 4cm that within the hour i would have her, that is what happened with bauer i knew it was going to happen again! so at noon they checked me and i was at a 4. i was so excited and i knew we would be having her soon. at 12:45 i was DYING fromt he pressure, they came to check me and i was fully dialated adn she was coming out! so they ran and called my doctor he was 10 mins away so i had to hodl her in as she was preemie! so i was trying so hard to keep her in adn breath through the contractions!
finally our doctor showed up! he got all ready and told us that since she was early they were going to cut the cord and hand her immediatley off to the nicu crew to make sure she was ok. he told me to push i didnt even get through a full 10 count and she was OUT! it was the fastest delivery i have ever had!!!
immediately she was crying and had great color. they weighed her tiny self and evaluated her and she was HEALTHY so we were given her back and she nursed immedately latchng it was perfect!
they checked all her vitals int eh nursery while i moved rooms and we were able to room in it was amazing! they told me that she was a 35 week old baby acting like a 38 week old baby!
we stayed two days and came home! the boys LOVE their sister even Bauer LOVES her i think they love her a bit too much! lol everyoen is adjusting perfectly!
she is our tiny girl and in preemie clothes still 3 weeks after being born but i wouldnt have her any other way! i love her to death and she already has daddy wrapped around her finger!!!
my dad is coming to visit thursday and we cant wait to see him and carole!!!
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3 years ago
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