Monday, November 3, 2008

Fine! I will do this list.

7 things I can do.
1. eat
2. sleep
3. drive
4. watch tv
5. play baseball
6. play piano
7. love my wife

7 things I can't do
1. not eat
2. run long distances
3. sleep before midnight
4. sleep without my wife next to me
5. stay focused on one task for longer than an hour
6. paint
7. draw

7 things that attracted me to Danielle
1. her smile
2. her outgoing personality
3. her sense of humor
4. her sense of adventure
5. willingness to love me (no matter what!)
6. her hot legs:)
7. her family

7 things I say most
1. Get outta here
2. you'll get over it
3. weak sauce
4. fam damily
5. what do ya do
6. yeah right
7. kiss me!!!

7 people I admire
1. my wife
2. my mom
3. my dad
4. my great grandma
5. my grandpa and grandma
6. my father-in-law
7. my family

7 favorite foods
1. lasagna
2. tacos
3. pizza
4. hot dogs (from baseball games)
5. eggs, bacon, and french toast
6. scones
7. everything except beets and water chestnuts