Monday, November 8, 2010

Thankful #7 & 8

#7: we are so thankful for choices! the ability to choose and not have to do what others deem we should. we are given the choice of right and wrong and good and evil and this allows us to grow closer to our Lord and our families with each new choice we make!

#8: thankful for the evr watching adn guiding hand of the Lord in everything i do! i am so thankful to know that the Lord is always there, he is there to watch guide and comfort in times of need! he is there when we least expect it and he is there when he is most needed. i have a saying in my home that says " Christ is the center of our home, a guest at every meal and a silent listener to every conversation" i love this saying because it is so true and he has his hand in all things and it is a true blessing to know that we will never ever be alone!


melissa t. said...

I am thankful for technology that allows me to peek in and see all your insights! Thanks for sharing, it helps me to see the good I have in my life too :-)