Saturday, February 12, 2011

12 weeks down! 28 to go!

we are offically done with the first trimester!!! we are so happy to be out of the woods a bit!! i mean there is always something that can go wrong but the miscarriage percentage goes down every week! and i love to see that!!

we have two doctors appts this week! one with Sue our nurse on Monday and then one with Dr. Voss on thursday! o i cant wait to hear that little heartbeat! we are a month away from finding out what we are having! i can not wait!!!

i want a little girl so bad and of course Josh wants a boy lol. he tells me all the time he is all man and doesnt shoot pink lol but we will see! i have a feeling it is a girl, but that might be cuz i want one so bad! lol

Jamison is understanding more and more about mommy having a baby in her belly. we ask him where the baby is and he loves to point and my belly and kiss it. there for a little while he would point and josh and say baby in his belly too hahah we laughed but we have taught him it is just mommy not daddy.

i am so excited for jamison to be a big brother he is such a big helper now that he is going to be AMAZING when it comes to helping with the baby!

so i have yet to put apicture of my belly so i decided since it is a joyus time that the first trimester is over that i will share. just keep in mind i am huge yet i have lost weight thus far and i am not back to my original weight. so i dont know where this little bump is from! lol

so that is a little update from us! we will let you all know how the drs appts go this week!