Long overdue i know but..............
Adalyn Shana Thornock
born Feb 5th at 1:10pm
5.8lbs, 18.5inches long!
We welcomed Adalyn into this world on Feb 5th 2013! she was born at 35 weeks but she was so healthy! came home with us even!!! Monday we went into our drs appt and my BP was 152/100 and that is with the uped blood pressure meds. my doctor and nurses have nursed me from 31 weeks to 35 weeks and he said ebcause fo the still high bp and that my belly measurements hadnt grown since the prior week it was time to be induced and have out little girl.
We went home and got everything ready and returned to the hospital at 9pm. The nurses who have seen me 2 times a week for the past 4 weeks were so excited to see us and that this time we were having a baby! everyone at the hospital there are like our good friends so it was just an awesome birth! my cervix wasnt quite ready to be induced so they gave my citotec to get my cervix softer.
Tuesday morning at 6am they started my pit and we were off! my doctor came and broke my water at 8am and there was so turning back. i got my epidural at 10:30 and i kept reminding the ladies that as soon as i got to 4cm that within the hour i would have her, that is what happened with bauer i knew it was going to happen again! so at noon they checked me and i was at a 4. i was so excited and i knew we would be having her soon. at 12:45 i was DYING fromt he pressure, they came to check me and i was fully dialated adn she was coming out! so they ran and called my doctor he was 10 mins away so i had to hodl her in as she was preemie! so i was trying so hard to keep her in adn breath through the contractions!
finally our doctor showed up! he got all ready and told us that since she was early they were going to cut the cord and hand her immediatley off to the nicu crew to make sure she was ok. he told me to push i didnt even get through a full 10 count and she was OUT! it was the fastest delivery i have ever had!!!
immediately she was crying and had great color. they weighed her tiny self and evaluated her and she was HEALTHY so we were given her back and she nursed immedately latchng it was perfect!
they checked all her vitals int eh nursery while i moved rooms and we were able to room in it was amazing! they told me that she was a 35 week old baby acting like a 38 week old baby!
we stayed two days and came home! the boys LOVE their sister even Bauer LOVES her i think they love her a bit too much! lol everyoen is adjusting perfectly!
she is our tiny girl and in preemie clothes still 3 weeks after being born but i wouldnt have her any other way! i love her to death and she already has daddy wrapped around her finger!!!
my dad is coming to visit thursday and we cant wait to see him and carole!!!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
She's HERE!!!!
Posted by Josh and Danielle at 1:46 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 11, 2013
Our little Scare.....
So lately i have been seeing signs of high blood pressure my hands have been swelling and having headaches so i went to the good old walgreens to have my blood pressure checked and it was 156/100 so i immedately called my doctor and he moved my appt up to the next day. so Tuesday the 8th we went into the doctors and it was just as high so we had to go to the hospital for monitoring, while there my blood pressure went down a but but spiked right back up, sense we are only 32 weeks pregnant they were trying every thing they coudl to get the blood pressure down. they tried a blood pressure med and it didnt do anything for the blood pressure, soon i began to start having contractions. they were light at first and then i began to have them 2-3 mins apart and they were pretty strong, they immediately started me on magnisium and get me a steroid shot to help mature our little girls lungs in case they couldnt get the labor to stop or the blood pressure to lower. they checked my cervix and i went from nothing to 30% effaced and 1cm so it was crunch time. they got me a different blood pressure medicine and it started to work as wellas the mag began to slow down my contractions. finally after being monitored for over 8 hrs we got my contractions to 10 mins apart and my blood pressure in a ok level, so from then on i was on a 24 hr urine watch. they checked my cervix again and it only change ti 1 and a half cm so thankfully the mag worked, plus the bp meds were keeping my blood pressure down. so we spent 2 nights in the hospital to make sure everything was all ok! we were released on thursday morning with bed rest and instructions to try and get to 34- 35 weeks pregnant before delivery. while in the hospital i was given a second steroid shot for her lungs so that they will be mature if we need to have her earlier then planned. now we have 3 drs visits a week and it is like walking a tight rope. Our Dr. says i am a ticking time bomb, anything can change in a instant. so we are keeping our fingers crossed we can cook this little girl a bit longer before she comes into this world, but according to my doctor we will be having a baby at the end of this month or beginning of next month but will NOT get to march like planned. so now that things have calmed down a bit we are home and i am on bed rest and i have the most amazing husband cleaning and cooking and taking care of the kiddos for me! i could NOT ask for a better husband he goes to work and then comes home and works! he is amazing i wish i could do more but my job is to cook this little girl and that is what i plan to do!
Posted by Josh and Danielle at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
IT's A........
Friday i decided to take the boys and go the the What Women Want show at the expo center. we got bright and early to try to miss the rush so we started to walk the MANY aisles. we went to the scentsy booth and bought the baby a little lamb buddy since bauer has a lion and jamison has a dog. we got a lamb that was gender neutral since we still didnt knwo what we were having. Jamison had to go to the bathroom when we came out there was a booth that was doing free ultrasounds! so he asked if i wanted one so of course i said yes! we got to see the baby in 3d and 4d it was so cool to see the baby put its hand over its head and kick and squirm! i then told the ultrasound tech i am sure you want to tell me the gender! lol as we were 16 weeks and i was dying to find out! so he said he would check! well in checking i looked at the ultrasound picture and i said where is his penis? and he laughed and said SHE doesnt have one!!! IT IS A GIRL!!!!! i began to cry i couldnt believe it we actually were having a girl witht he odds stacked against me i thought for sure we would have another boy! i immediately called josh crying and laughing telling him we were having a girl! he said he wanted to confirm it on monday when we had out ultrasound scheduled. so monday finally came and we went to our ultrasound, and IMMEDIATELY the tech confirm she is a GIRL there were the 3 lines! i am so excited and so is josh! Jamison has said from the moment we told me we were having another baby he said it was a baby sister and he has been right the whole time! now it is the fun part! i get to make her all the headbands and girlie stuff i sell to everyone else!!! the hardest part of it will be finding her the perfect name! her middle name with be my moms name for sure but we need to find a great first name!!! so if you have any suggestions send them our way for sure! but we are so excited to finally have a girl i cant wait to see what she looks like!
Posted by Josh and Danielle at 10:13 AM 3 comments
Friday, September 14, 2012
When life gets to hard to stand.... kneel
I, like most parents i believe, get upset with my kiddos every now and then. when jamison throws a huge fit in the middle of a store over a toy or sucker and me saying NO and him screaming at the tops of his lungs. Or Bauer getting frustrated about the baby gate being up and throwing himself all over the floor till he bleeds. there are moments and days were i get so frustrated i go to my room and scream in my pillow or make a joke about leaving jamison in the store for some one to take him home with them for a while. Since August 31st i have changed my tune, i have tried to kiss my kids more love them harder hug them more and spend every waking moment i can with them. A very dear friend of mine that i have known since high school if not before high school! we went to girls camp together. she actually introduced me to my first real boyfriend, which didnt work out but i dont even know if she rememebers that, but anyways. my good friend Kacie Armitage had to do the hardest thing in the entire earth besides saying good bye to a spouse she had to kiss her baby who was 4 months new goodbye and send her to her heavenly father. Zoe recieved her angel wings after being born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome and artial septal defect. I have followed her journey in this life through kacies blog and her facebook updates falling more and more in love with this litle girl and learning so much about faith and unconditonal love as well as refinding my heavenly father. Since her passing i cant help but be so blessed and thankful for my two little rugrats! i watch as kacie and her husband and sweet 3 yr old struggle with the loss of their daughter and sister. it is hard to be so far away from someone you care for and want to extend help to so badly! i have learned from this girl how fragile life is how eternal my family truely is and how i needed this family and this girl to renew and reground myself in the gospel. i am not perfect by any means and i have ventured far from where i should i make excuses for things and reason why i should or havent done this or that reasons to not do family prayer or scripture study or family home evening reasons that now seem so idiotic! this little girl and her family have helped to recenter myself where i need to be to constantly lean on my heavenly father and when things seem way to hard to stand anymore to kneel for help and guidence. i know that in no way does this make her passing any easier for them or anything but it is a way for me to thank them seriously! every time i kiss my boys more each day laugh at the little things and brush off the stress of spilled milk or toilet seats up or pee on the floor i think of zoe and of kacie and i smile and hug my boys harder and thank my lucky stars they are still here with me and that i can hug them daily! thank you Zoe Grace Armitage for centering me back where i need to be! you are truely loved and missed!
Posted by Josh and Danielle at 5:35 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 24, 2012
And then there are 3!
sorry been MIA yet again! things are so crazy busy around here! alot has happen since we last blogged. First off jamison had a awesome birthday and sometimes i seriously can not believe he is 3!!! After Jamison's birthday Josh's grandpa took a turn for the worst and passed away. it was so hard to see josh grieve the way he did, there is just nothing you can do to make it better. we headed up to the burg again for his funeral, it was a beautiful funeral full of great memories funny laughs and good family time! We came home and june flew by in a blink of an eye! July 4th came and we went back up the rexburg for the annual weenie roast out at grandma house! it is so fun to get the family all back together! so in the craziness of june i realized i didnt have a period, which since i have been breastfeeding Bauer they have been weird to begin with. i didnt think anything of it as we were preventing pregnancy. well at the end of june begining of july i thought i may as well pee on a stick just to be safe. i did and i went to bath the boys and forgot all about it. when i finished their bath i returned to the pee stick and there were two lines i was in SHOCK, the first thing that went through my mind was you have got to be kidding!!! i cried for 30 mins straight! i was so scared! i didnt want my kiddos this close they will be 19 months apart! then i told josh and he thought i was kidding the next mornign i took another test and it was positive before it finshed reading the pee across the test! so we went to the dr to find out exactly how far along i was. turns out we have a little gummy bear growing and due March 7th of next year. since finding out the shock has worn off and we are getting more excited! it isnt ideal but apparently this little one is meant to be here in our family. it took so long and so many times to get Bauer here he was a tough cookie! but this little one is so meant to be. we are getting more excited about the baby as the days go on. it is goign to be a little crazy around here was with a 4 yr old and 1 and a half year old and a newborn but i think we will be good, jamison is already a big help! and bauer will be a great big brother as well. we waited till i was clear of the first trimester before announcing to the world of our little surprise baby. but we announced it ina cute way i think! but that is all that is new at the moment Bauer turns one ont he 30th and i still cant believe my baby is one!!! i just had him! he is a hilarious little critter and funny as i will get out! he is the happiest baby! never mad or sad always giggling and a TALKER we will post birthday photos soon!!!
Posted by Josh and Danielle at 6:27 PM 2 comments
Friday, May 25, 2012
Long overdue update!!
So much has happened since i last updated lol it has been craxy in our house! so it is now May lol and the boys are growing like weeds! jamison just turned 3 years old! and i can not believe it! it is hard to believe that i am a mother of a 3 year old! he is the best kiddo though! he has been potty trained for months now and it is the BEST! he is so good and love to potty like a big boy! this boy is super smart too! like wicked smart! we were watching mickey mouse clubhouse and they were working on shapes and he knew what a octagon was before they show said what it was! i am so proud! lol he says the FUNNIEST things and is so polite! Bauer is alost 9 months and the time has flown by! he is the happiest baby! he LOVES his big brother whenever jamison comes into the room he gets so excited squealing and giggling! he is crawling up and storm and has been for a few weeks now that kid if he sees something he wants he is on a misson to get it! unluike jamison he loves his carseat! he falls asleep in it almost immediately! the boys together are so sweet! they were rolling the ball back and forth today and giggling and it is so cute to watch their relationship! they love each other so much and i cant wait for them to be able to play more together! we finally after 4 yrs of saying we should go went to bear world in rexburg and we had a BLAST!!! the boys had so much fun and because it waqs a monday we were the only ones there really!!! we got to feed the bears and it was just jamison and me and bauer! they were so spoiled!! sadly josh wasnt able to come with us as he had to be with his mom and grandma at the hospital taking care of grandpa who is extremely sick but on the mend For jamisons birthday we had a mickey mouse clubhouse party! i made a ballon arch and decorations to match! it was super windy so we have to set up in the garage which wasnt bad! we rented a bounce house and we had it all day so jamison had a blast playing in it by himself before the party! then all his friends came out to play with him and it was so fun to hear all the excitement! we had a blast eating hotdogs, hamburgers and cupcakes!!! my business is BOOMING i am so busy with it all the time that josh is making the entire basement my warehouse! it makes me feel so accomplished that we are so busy it is so fun i love it! it doesnt feel liek work at all and i have an amazing husband who helps me out with everything!!! everything in our life is going to great right now! we are so blessed and happy with our life! it is truely a blessing and treat to wake up every morning and be a stay at home mom with my boys! and i am so blessed to have my husband who works so hard to provide for my family! life is good and we are so truely happy! i will try to update again soon! .
Posted by Josh and Danielle at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 16, 2012
A New Year
i cant believe it is already 2012 and january is already half over! i feel like time si flying by so fast!!!
Bauer is now 4 and a half months odl and he is so sticking cute! i love his giggles and screetches! i love all his big smiles and that he is shy! lol it is a change from jamison! Jamison is such a soical bug it s kind of fun to have a boy he is a bit shy and likes to hide in your neck when someone loves on him!!
Jamison is a blast it is hard to believe he is only 4 months away from being 3 yrs old! he says and does the funniest things and i love watching my two boys interact! Jamison can get bauer going like know one else can and you can tell how much jamison loves bauer and it is more then same the other way around!
Josh is still doing fed ex and i am so happy peak is over i miss seeing him in the holiday months but it is worth it! he loves what he does and every year when peak is over he spoils me! this time it was a new camera!!! i have never had a dlsr before and i am LOVING learning my new toy! i have already done a few friends pictures of their new babies and i keep getting more appt with friends! it is not going to become a profession but i am loving seeing the new babies and cuddling them! it is hard to see hwo tiny they are and think and try to remember how bauer and jamison were once that size!
since it is a new year we all make resolutions and mine this year is to be happy! i am a happy person but i have flaws in letting people get to me and allowing them to take over my mind with thewir negativity or their actions towards people or myself and my resolution is to be happy despite let them do whatever they so choose and to not let it affect me and my life. 2011 was a good year for us we welcomed the greatest addition to our family and are so blessed to have him but it was a hard year for me as well. it has beena stuggle for em not the let other affect my life and my emotions get the better of me. i ahve had alot of anger, sadness, and reseantment in my life and heart this past year and my resolution this year is to try and let everything go. let everything brush off me and not to allow others rudeness, self centeredness, and more affect me and my happiness. good luck to me!
other then that january has beena great month! we celebrated my 25th birthday i know i am young lol but i feel old! it is weird to sit and think about all that has changed in the last year from my birthday and try and think how much is going to change before my next birthday!@
we celebrated at tucanos as usual! it is the best place and we only go ton special occasions! we then came back to tooele and took the kids bowling! it was a blast! we had so much fun and jamison loved bowling he actual bowled so much better then we did i think the ramp helped him! lol
i guess we will se what february brings!!!
Posted by Josh and Danielle at 4:39 PM 0 comments